Oregon ENA

Additional Opportunity to Speak on HB 4142

Posted over 2 years ago by Bill Schueler

Oregon House Bill 4142 will have another public hearing on Tuesday, 2/8/22 starting at 4:05 pm, to allow for more people who signed up to give verbal testimony on 2/3/22 a chance to do so.  It also appears that there is an additional opportunity to submit written testimony.  If you haven't had a chance to do so, now is the opportunity to do so. Click the above link to go to the agenda and follow the instructions. 

The opposition argues this bill will criminalize the mentally ill, this law will do nothing to prevent assaults, and that hospitals (and EDs) need more staffing. These arguments are brought forward by public defenders and criminal defense and disability rights lawyers. We encourage you to read all of the written testimony

Now is a good time to watch the testimony and discussion from the 2/3/22 public hearing - here.  On the right side, click the meeting date under the "Meetings" bar. 

Keep safe.